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Sunday, May 19, 2024

References to technologies used by PickSoft.


7-Zip is a free file archiver with high compression ratio. 7-Zip is used by Picksoft to compress data before transferring across WAN links. 7-Zip has proven to be highly reliable and easily scripted.

7-Zip's GNU LGPL license allows the software to be easily supplied with scripts to provide compression without the need to go through a purchasing department.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a single file database that allows for applications to be easily designed and moved around.

Microsoft Access provides a number of benefits for data extraction. The main reason PickSoft use it is because it can be run on almost any Windows PC or server. The .mdb files can be easily zipped and transferred to other machines where the data from several databases can be amalgamated. Micosoft Access also proves easy to use with ODBC and other data import functions for the easy linking of data.


PuTTY SFTP is a tool for transferring files securely between computers using an SSH connection. PuTTY SFTP is used by PickSoft to transfer files over the internet when data needs to be protected.


IBM wIntegrate is an advanced terminal emulation and application enhancement tool for IBM U2 data servers and other MultiValue data servers. wIntegrate has been used by PickSoft to run scripts allow the analysis of unidata structures and the extraction of data.

The wIntegrate scripting language is comprehensive allowing it to be used as part of a regular process. PickSoft was able to extract data on a nightly basis to allow an up-to-date view of migrated data each day.