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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Postal Address Verfication.

The problem

Every house, flat, bungalow, maisonette, garage, shed and parking space has an address which uniquely identifies it. For dwellings (houses, flats etc) most people use the postal address. Often, there might be several different versions of the 'correct' postal address.

In ArcHouse, properties grouped by the street to which belong. This provides a lot of benefits over a 'free text' address by allowing flats and houses in the same road to be seen together on the same screen. This allows for many tasks to be accomplished from the same screens saving time and increasing efficiency.

One of the hardest tasks is getting data from other systems into ArcHouse is such a way that the right properties are on the right street together and that their postal address is consistent and correct.

The solutions

The right solution depends upon the way in which the current addresses are stored and how consistent the data is.

In some systems, the data is stored in a free form, meaning that the person entering the address has been able to type exactly what they want, for example, an address could look like: