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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pickering Software Services Limited

Get rid of your headed paper once and for all...


MergeIT2 Stock Overlay

Does it take forever to update your templates?

MergeIT Stock Overlay is a facility used to add an image after the merge process. Typically this is used to overlay an image of headed paper onto the first page to allow documents to be turned to PDF or printed straight onto plain paper.

If a PDF is produced it can be stored directly in document management systems and viewed in years to come exactly how it was produced. Documents traditionally printed on headed paper are often stored as just text.

By eliminating the need for headed paper the printing, distribution and storage of pre-printed head paper can be eliminated. The documents to receive the image can be configured and the image used can be varied according to rules such as template name, owning department, operator and more.

Some organizations are using MergeIT stock overlay to print information on the reverse side of the documents such as foreign language translation information or even advertising services that they offer. 


  • Reduce time when updating templates.

  • Keep documents looking consistent

  • Easily brand documents for different group members

  • Store exact copy of what was sent to a customer

  • Reduce or remove need to have headed paper printed

  • Remove the need to have dedicated printers or trays with headed paper

  • Quickly replace all headed paper in the event of a brand change